Launch Your Business


Launch Your Business

Imagine having a brilliant business idea, one that could revolutionise an industry or bring a much-needed solution to your community.

Now, imagine having the tools, knowledge, and support to turn that idea into reality. Welcome to “The Launch Your Business Series,” a transformative program designed to ignite your entrepreneurial spirit and guide you every step of the way towards launching your own business in Barbados.

Who Is It For?

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business but felt unsure of where to begin? “The Launch Your Business Series” is for you:

    • Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Those with a spark of an idea, ready to embark on their business journey.
    • Visionaries: Individuals who see potential in their ideas and want to make a positive impact.
    • Young Professionals: Those looking to transition from employment to entrepreneurship.
    • Passionate Innovators: Anyone with a passion for innovation and solving problems in Barbados.

Your Journey Begins Here

Embarking on the entrepreneurial path can be daunting, but with “The Launch Your Business Series,” you are not alone. Our program is designed to transform your idea into a viable business through a structured, supportive, and inspiring journey.

Every great journey begins with a single step. In Week 1, we start with Orientation and Identifying Skills. Here, you’ll discover your strengths and how they can be leveraged to create a successful business. You’ll connect with fellow participants, sharing your aspirations and building a supportive community.

In Week 2, we’ll delve into Generating Business Ideas. You’ll learn creative techniques to brainstorm, refine, and validate your business concepts. By the end of this week, your idea will start taking shape, fueled by newfound confidence and clarity.

A dream without a plan is just a wish. Weeks 3 and 4 focus on Planning and Goal Setting and Personal Budgeting. You’ll set SMART goals, develop actionable plans, and understand the financial aspects of running a business. These foundational weeks ensure you’re building your business on solid ground.

Knowing your audience is key to success. In Week 5, you’ll master Target Market Identification. You’ll learn to pinpoint your ideal customers, understand their needs, and tailor your offerings to meet those needs effectively.

Week 6 is all about Business Planning. You’ll create a detailed business plan, outlining your strategy, operations, and growth trajectory. This blueprint will serve as your roadmap, guiding your business decisions and actions.

No business can thrive without proper funding. In Week 7, we explore Financing Your Business. You’ll discover various funding options, from personal savings to external investments, and learn how to manage your finances wisely.

Your business idea is ready, and now it’s time to share it with the world. In Week 8, we prepare you for Pitching Preparation. You’ll craft a compelling pitch, practise your presentation skills, and receive feedback from experts.

The journey culminates in Week 9 with the Final Pitching Session. You’ll present your business idea to a panel of judges, showcasing everything you’ve learned and achieved. This moment marks the official launch of your entrepreneurial journey.

Value of the Program

You’ll develop a strong entrepreneurial mindset, gaining the confidence and skills needed to start and manage your business.
Learn to generate innovative solutions and refine your business ideas to meet market demands.
Build a robust network of entrepreneurs, mentors, and industry experts, fostering relationships that support your growth.

Gain essential skills in personal and business finance management, ensuring your business’s financial health.

Receive continuous support even after the program ends, joining a community of alumni and mentors for long-term success.

For more information, contact us by email or call us at (246) 228-2772

Join Us and Start Your Journey

Your entrepreneurial journey is waiting. Join “The Launch Your Business Series” and take the first step towards launching your business. Empower yourself with the knowledge, skills, and network you need to succeed. We look forward to supporting you on this transformative journey.

Reflecting on our journey, it's clear that BYBT’s holistic support system has been a cornerstone of our success story. The dedication, expertise, and innovation they bring to the table make them an ideal ally for any developing entrepreneur. We confidently recommend BYBT to any startup looking for a steadfast partner in their entrepreneurial journey.
Andre Ifill
AI Online Inc
October 16, 2023
I am so thankful I took the time to apply for the BYBT Social EnterpriseIncubator program!The cadre of experts who work atBYBT have an immense passion for helping entrepreneurs succeed.The organisation's business mentors are diligent in providing guidance and assistance.I have been able to meet an amazing group of entrepreneurs through this program as I gained the knowledge, skills, and resources to stitch together a picture-perfect pattern that will yarn over globally.
Nikisha Toppin
Elaine's Caribbean Crochet
April 6, 2023